Pls Give me Usage Details Of This Adaper / Tool


IF you have Any Video Tutorials pls Share here
Mr @ProOFF Said Before He Will post One Video But Not Get Yet I Know He Is Busy In His Work ... We Are Waiting For Tutorial From Team Ufixers

    SuhaibAk This is UFI Lite, main function is for write full dump of userarea with superspeed/USB 3.0 interface. UFI Lite also build in SD Reader, so you can use it as regular SD card Reader, and of course you can use it to create SD Boot Recovery too for some LG and Samsung Device.
    Already create a video tutorial here : how to use UFI Lite, complete with how to use ISP, and upgrade emmc firmware(FFU) long time ago.

      a month later

      hellow sir can we recover data form corrupted memory card or pendrive using ufi box

        12 days later

        honor y541-u02 chack download state,last download mybe not complet error

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