bro chipset connected Connection status: XHCI:HUB3:USB 2.0 High-Speed
Interface: UFI High-Speed
Serial number: 0011-8839-8772
Boot version: 1.04, FW version: 1.12 (Jun 7 2018 00:06:47)
Insertion test... Done.
Init bus...
VCC: 3.3 V, VCCQ: 3.0 V
Failed to initialize eMMC (return code: 17, CMD Error: Timeout) !!!
CMD1 error, cmd response: 0x0, card state: 255 (Card is in unknown state)
SEND_OP_COND command failed.
--- Check eMMC pins and connection ---
--- Try to select correct VCC/VCCQ manually ---
--- Try to decrease the clock speed ---
--- Try to use 1 bit connection ---
Check your connection, make sure eMMC inserted properly.