Storage type: eMMC
Card/BGA: BGA (Discrete embedded)
Manufacturer ID: 0x15 (Samsung)
Product name: QN16BB (0x514e31364242), rev: 0x00, serial number: 0xDC1E4F06
Manufacturing date: Feb 2017
CID: 15010051 4E313642 4200DC1E 4F062409
CSD: D0270132 0F5903FF F6DBFFEF 8E40400D
platform: MT6737T, S01, cpu abi: armeabi-v7a
manufacturer: samsung
hardware: mt6735
board: MT6737T, name: grandpplteser
brand: samsung, model: SM-G532F
build id: MMB29T, version: 6.0.1 Marshmallow (MMB29T.G532FXWU1APJ3)
build date: Tue Oct 11 13:00:15 KST 2016, security patch: 2016-10-01
build description: grandpplteser-user 6.0.1 MMB29T G532FXWU1APJ3 release-keys
soc(CPU): Samsung GrandPrimePlus LTE LTN OPEN rev04 board based on MT6737T
memory(RAM): 1.50 GB, storage: 8 GB
dm lock: no
crypto state: encrypted (block)
boot serial no: 4200dc1e4f062409
serial no: 4200dc1e4f062409
mediatek version release: alps-mp-m1.mp8.tc10sp, branch: alps-mp-m1.mp8.tc10sp
hardware version: MP 0.300
bootloader: G532FXWU1APJ3
csc version: G532FOJV1APJ6
csc code: KSA, KSA
baseband version: G532FXXU1APJ7
ril version: Samsung RIL v3.0(MT6737T)
sim state: ABSENT,ABSENT
lcd driver: s6d78a0x02_dsi_qhd_vdo
build version: alps-mp-m1.mp8.tc10sp
screen resolution: 960 x 540
main camera: imx219_mipi_raw
lens: dw9807af
front camera: s5k5e3yx_mipi_raw
audio: amp_6323pmic_spk
touch: GT1XX
android id: 1c72fd11a3bf70ca
client id: android-samsung
bt addr: 40:d3:ae:fd:b8:dd
wifi mac:
locale: en-GB
battery level: 64%
superuser: yes (2.78:SUPERSU)
selinux: permissive
Reading extcsd, size: 512 bytes...
failed to read extcsd
Dumping userarea, size: 512 MiB...
524288+0 records in
524288+0 records out
536870912 bytes transferred in 67.530 secs (7950109 bytes/sec)
File saved to \F:\UFI_SUPPORT\EMMC\samsung\SM-G532F(MMB29T.G532FXWU1APJ3-6.0.1-MMB29T)[QN16BB_DC1E4F06]\userarea_512MiB.bin
Dumping rpmb, size: 4 MiB...
0+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes transferred in 0.001 secs (0 bytes/sec)
File saved to \F:\UFI_SUPPORT\EMMC\samsung\SM-G532F(MMB29T.G532FXWU1APJ3-6.0.1-MMB29T)[QN16BB_DC1E4F06]\rpmb.bin
Dumping boot2, size: 4 MiB...
4096+0 records in
4096+0 records out
4194304 bytes transferred in 0.128 secs (32768000 bytes/sec)
File saved to \F:\UFI_SUPPORT\EMMC\samsung\SM-G532F(MMB29T.G532FXWU1APJ3-6.0.1-MMB29T)[QN16BB_DC1E4F06]\boot2.bin
Dumping boot1, size: 4 MiB...
4096+0 records in
4096+0 records out
4194304 bytes transferred in 0.152 secs (27594105 bytes/sec)
File saved to \F:\UFI_SUPPORT\EMMC\samsung\SM-G532F(MMB29T.G532FXWU1APJ3-6.0.1-MMB29T)[QN16BB_DC1E4F06]\boot1.bin
Dumping nvram, size: 8 MiB...
8192+0 records in
8192+0 records out
8388608 bytes transferred in 0.260 secs (32263876 bytes/sec)
File saved to \F:\UFI_SUPPORT\EMMC\samsung\SM-G532F(MMB29T.G532FXWU1APJ3-6.0.1-MMB29T)[QN16BB_DC1E4F06]\user_part\nvram
Dumping EFS, size: 8 MiB...
8192+0 records in
8192+0 records out
8388608 bytes transferred in 0.310 secs (27060025 bytes/sec)
File saved to \F:\UFI_SUPPORT\EMMC\samsung\SM-G532F(MMB29T.G532FXWU1APJ3-6.0.1-MMB29T)[QN16BB_DC1E4F06]\user_part\efs
Dumping nvdata, size: 32 MiB...
32768+0 records in
32768+0 records out
33554432 bytes transferred in 1.116 secs (30066695 bytes/sec)
File saved to \F:\UFI_SUPPORT\EMMC\samsung\SM-G532F(MMB29T.G532FXWU1APJ3-6.0.1-MMB29T)[QN16BB_DC1E4F06]\user_part\nvdata
Dumping proinfo, size: 2.50 MiB...
2560+0 records in
2560+0 records out
2621440 bytes transferred in 0.096 secs (27306666 bytes/sec)
File saved to \F:\UFI_SUPPORT\EMMC\samsung\SM-G532F(MMB29T.G532FXWU1APJ3-6.0.1-MMB29T)[QN16BB_DC1E4F06]\user_part\proinfo.bin
Dumping PERSISTENT, size: 512 KiB...
512+0 records in
512+0 records out
524288 bytes transferred in 0.017 secs (30840470 bytes/sec)
File saved to \F:\UFI_SUPPORT\EMMC\samsung\SM-G532F(MMB29T.G532FXWU1APJ3-6.0.1-MMB29T)[QN16BB_DC1E4F06]\user_part\persistent