How fix oppo A73t imei??? UFi team!!!! Thank you!!!!
version: V1.1.2
platform: MT6763
project: oppo6763_17031
storage: EMMC
bootChannel: MSDC_0
blockSize: 0x00020000
MTK Preloader file info.
Found 11 supported eMMC CID:
[Samsung] DH6DMB 15010044 4836444D 42xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
[Samsung] RX64MB 15010052 5836344D 42xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
[Samsung] RH64AB 15010052 48363441 42xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
[Samsung] 3H6CMB 15010033 4836434D 42xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
[Samsung] RH64MB 15010052 4836344D 42xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
[Samsung] GD6BMB 15010047 4436424D 42xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
[Samsung] GX6BMB 15010047 5836424D 42xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
[Samsung] GE6BMB 15010047 4536424D 42xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
[Samsung] RD64MB 15010052 4436344D 42xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
[Micron] S0J9B7 13014E53 304A3942 37xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
[SK Hynix] HCG8a4 90014A48 43473861 34xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
Error: No Fastboot device connected !
platform: MT6763, S01, cpu abi: arm64-v8a
manufacturer: OPPO
hardware: mt6763
board: full_oppo6763_17031, name: A73t
brand: OPPO, model: OPPO A73t
build id: N6F26Q, version: 7.1.1 Nougat (A73t_11_A.34_181220)
build date: Thu Dec 20 00:58:04 CST 2018, security patch: 2018-12-05
build description: full_oppo6763_17031-user 7.1.1 N6F26Q 1545238687 release-keys
soc(CPU): MT6763V/CT
memory(RAM): 4 GB
market name: OPPO A73t
boot state: green
crypto state: encrypted (block)
boot reason: wdt_by_pass_pwk
boot serial no: SWZ59DVCU8BETSN7
serial no: SWZ59DVCU8BETSN7
mediatek version release: A73t_11_A.34_181220, branch: alps-mp-n1.mp16.tc16sp
baseband version: unknown
ril version:
signal strength[1]: -1 dBm -1 asu [Unknown, ()] signal strength[2]: -1 dBm -1 asu [Unknown, ()] android id: c97076e5aec42e72
client id: android-oppo
bt addr: 50:3c:ea:65:b3:a0
wifi mac:
region: CN
locale: zh-CN
battery level: 94%
superuser: no
Root access denied!
To repair imei, you have to root your device at first !
Using Port: Android Gadget VCOM Driver (COM29)
Writing Imei...
imei[1]: 860058968588787... Abort failed, thread is still busy !!!