Found 4 supported eMMC CID:
[Samsung] FNX2MB 15010046 4E58324D 42xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
[Samsung] FN62MB 15010046 4E36324D 42xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
[SK Hynix] H8G4a 90014A48 38473461 92xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
[Kingston] EH8EE8 70010045 48384545 38xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
BROM version[1]: 7.1625.3.0
DownloadAgent: MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin
hash: f290181f3f1f47f1e74fbccd9de739a6cd83e4ef, size: 6.11 MiB
version: 3.3001.00.00, start addr: 0x40000800
Connecting to BootROM...
Power off the phone, disconnect and reconnect the battery(if possible) and connect USB cable...
Scanning BootROM or Preloader port... Done
Detected [BootROM] MediaTek USB Port_V1632 (COM23)
Connection status: XHCI:HUB3:USB 2.00 High-Speed
USB Driver: [MediaTek Inc.] wdm_usb, version: 3.0.1504.0, date: 1-22-2015
Connecting Bootrom...
Sending Download Agent...
Platform: MT6580_S00, Hw ver: 0xCA00, Sw ver: 0x0000
Secure ver: 0x05, BL ver: 0x00
Secure config: 0x00
SRAM size: 0 B
Unknown RAM size: 0 B
PL Verification:: Hash + Signature
Storage type: eMMC
Card/BGA: BGA (Discrete embedded)
Manufacturer ID: 0x70 (Kingston)
Product name: EH8EE8 (0x454838454538), rev: 0x01, serial number: 0x06E80D15
Manufacturing date: Sep 2017
CID: 70010045 48384545 380106E8 0D1594F7
Error: 4001 (S_FT_DA_NO_RESPONSE)
[DA] DA didn't send response data
Error: 4001 (S_FT_DA_NO_RESPONSE)