platform: moorefield, cpu abi: x86
manufacturer: asus
hardware: mofd_v1
board: moorefield, name: WW_Z00X
brand: asus, model: ASUS_Z00XS
build id: LRX21V, version: 5.0 Lollipop (LRX21V.WW-ASUS_Z00X-
build description: asusmofd_fhd-user 5.0 LRX21V release-keys
memory: 4 GB
crypto state: unencrypted
boot reason: reboot
boot serial no: 01234567890123456789
isn: MR5X5ML0AC125F
serial no: H5AZB601U121Y3A
ifwi version: 0096.0117
kernel version: 3.10.20-x86_64_moor-265559-g9a5275b
baseband version: 1538_4.1.47.6_1204
csc version: WW_ZX551ML_2.24.40.42_20160104
ril version: Intrinsyc Rapid-RIL M6.59 for Android 4.2 (Build September 17/2013)
sim state: ABSENT
android id: 2449687f060ea954
client id: android-asus
bt addr: 88:d7:f6:ae:50:a6
wifi mac: 88:d7:f6:ae:51:6e
imei: 000000000000000
sku: WW
country: BR
language: pt
battery id: Z2CP3 20151019
battery level: 50%
superuser: yes (2.45:SUPERSU)
Enabling AT mode... Done.
Waiting for COM to be ready... Done.
Waiting for ADB to be ready... Done.
Using Port: Intel Android Virtual Com Port (COM348)
New imei[1]: 359404065117914
Writing new imei...
But i tri rewirete imei but not done