Success Story Using UFI CHIP Prog Here
Post your success story using UFI CHIP Prog. Post must included operation screenshot or log.
Post with following format:
...................Success Title Post...................
Case : Dead after online update
Model : MSI 870A-G54
[Screenshot or Post Log Here]
Asking or posting questions will be deleted.
UFI software already featuring built in Screenshot Tool
Use combination key on your keyboard Ctrl + Shift + C
to take a screenshot.
The image will be save to UFI directory C:\UFI\temp\

You can post Log operation too. To copy log, right click mouse
and copy to clipboard

When you already clear the log window, you still able to find the log in Setting menu.

Now you can make copy and create log post, for documentation, investigation, or for other purpose.

To keep post clean, post log with long operation by [code]log operation[/code]