this log before write config...
Please "Identify UFS" at first, before any other operation.
Connection status: XHCI:HUB3[#5]:USB 2.10 High-Speed
Interface: UFI UFS-PROG
Serial number: 0020-8334-0912
Fw version: 1.37 (Nov 8 2022 18:26:02)
Ref Clock Frequency: 26MHz
Permanent write protection disabled
Power on write protection disabled
Configuration Descriptor not locked (default)
Specification version: UFS 2.20
Number of LU: 5, WLU: 4
Bootable feature enabled
Enabled boot from Boot LU A
Support for security LU: 1
UFS Inquiry: MICRON MT128GAXAU2U227Y 0002
Manufacturing date: Apr 2022
Manufacturer ID: 0x012C
Manufacturer name: MICRON
Product name: MT128GAXAU2U227Y
Product revision level: 0002
Serial number: 25ecd5916aa51104
Capacity: 119.20 GiB (127,984,992,256 bytes)
LUN 0: 119.14 GiB
LUN 1: 4 MiB [Boot LU A]
LUN 2: 4 MiB [Boot LU B]
LUN 3: 8 MiB
LUN 4: 20 MiB
RPMB: 32 MiB [Provisioned, counter: 14040]
UFS Device Health Descriptor:
Pre End of Life Information: Normal
Device Life Time Estimated A: 0% - 10% device life time used
Device Life Time Estimated B: 0% - 10% device life time used