I have a problem with support not work
7osamGemy Hi, Support download now up and running. Please do try and report here if you still have a problem.
7osamGemy Нашли решения этой проблемы??
Hello, sorry for the inconvenient. Will check the problem and fix asap.
I have a problem with support not work! More than one firmware image does not load
Также не работает , немого скачать ни один файл. Что делать???
Hellp no support!!!
Den85 Hello, please describe your problem here, so we can understand
When downloading the firmware file from the Support server, it returns error 102. https://dropmefiles.com/HUGEY
DenisLeontyev Нет!
DenisLeontyev Нужно через прокси сервер запускать ufi box.