Connection status: XHCI:HUB3:USB 2.0 High-Speed
Interface: UFI High-Speed
Serial number: 0011-8839-8772
Boot version: 1.04, FW version: 1.11 (Dec 6 2017 17:13:32)
Insertion test... Done.
Init bus...
VCC: 3.3 V, VCCQ: 3.0 V
Bus: 1 bit (SDR 48MHz)
Access mode: sector mode
Power supply: dual-voltage (1.70-1.95V, 2.7-3.6V)
Card/BGA: BGA (Discrete embedded) - High density MMC
Manufacturer ID: 0x45 (SanDisk)
Product name: SEM08G (0x53454d303847), rev: 0x90, serial number: 0x01745A0F
Manufacturing date: Mar 2014
CID: 45010053 454D3038 47900174 5A0F3110
CSD: D00F0032 0F5903FF FFFFFFFF 92404010
EXT_CSD revision: 1.5 (MMC v4.41)
Partition info:
Boot1: 2048 KiB
Boot2: 2048 KiB
RPMB: 128 KiB
User area: 7.28 GiB(7,818,182,656 bytes)
Scanning "/data" partition... Done.
Current "/data" partition size: 12.35 GiB (13,262,389,248)
Unallocated space: -7935640576 bytes
There is no unallocated space in the card !
Will re-aligning userdata instead of resizing.
New "User Data" partition size: 4.96 GiB (5,326,748,672)
Updating GPT partition table... Done.
Do not forget to FACTORY RESET the phone after successfull boot.
platform: msm8960, cpu abi: armeabi-v7a
manufacturer: samsung
board: MSM8960, name: melius3gxx
brand: samsung, model: GT-I9200
build id: JDQ39, version: 4.4.2 KitKat (JDQ39.I9200XXUBMJ4)
build description: melius3gxx-user 4.2.2 JDQ39 I9200XXUBMJ4 release-keys
Internal storage: 12.35 GiB
crypto state: unencrypted
WARNING: Last user partition size exceeds capacity of the card !!!
The loaded image requires 14.67 GiB(16G😎 card, your card capacity: 7.28 GiB