madgoeslim Please.
How can i do. ( ........Exception eaccessViolation in module UFI.exe at 00503EC0. Aaccess violation at address 00903EC0 in module UFII.exe . Read off address 00000008.........).................error ....
How can do .....please.....

Please Fix it,
error flash asus based intel, and cant write dump on gp1

mohon solusinya master adb tidak terbaca di ufi android tool...sedangkan di komputer manager sudah terbaca...trimakasih

    5 days later

    hendryservice Except in UFI Regional, all posts must be in english so everyone have the same understanding. Use "google translate" if you dont understand english.

    Go to settings Menu-> Settings-> Path. Please input the Android SDK Path (directory which is contains adb.exe, fastboot.exe)
    There are may software which is using their own adb(most of them is one click root software), you may have to close all of them including other tools which is also using adb.

      7 days later

      hello madgeoslim i really like the way you explain things to people here . just want to share something to you that ufi android tool lags a lot in my computer the loading circle takes too much time to load anything everytime i have to fix it by synchronizing files in settings tab . suggest me something what should i do?
      here are my steps and some useful information so that you can understand better.

      MY FIXES : fresh install of windows 7
      disconnected internet
      free up more space
      my system config:- win 7 64bit 6gb ram i3 2nd gen


        umair Hi, thanks for such details questions. Can you make a video while operating ufi android toolbox, and show the lag.

        umair Oh, yes, almost forgot, we make UFI beta test , just extract to UFI folder, and replace UFI.exe.
        We made some bug fixes and improvement, Kindly Test it.

          12 days later

          First i got error "EAccessViolation in module UFI.exe at 00503EC0"

          after download and replace UFI beta test error "EAccessViolation in module UFI.exe at 00505E88"

          I am on windows 7 64bit

            2 months later

            ( ........Exception eaccessViolation in module UFI.exe at 00503EC0. Aaccess violation at address 00903EC0 in module UFII.exe . Read off address 00000008.........).................error ....
            caranya gimana ya.......???

            access violation at address 00EFCBF2 in module ufi.exe read of address 73CA8000

            error terus ......
            reinstalled windows. install ufi software all versions
            are the same
            unreadable fasboot.
            please solve the master's m ...

              @All access violation at address 00EFCBF2 in module ufi.exe

              Try to dissable your AV, or add UFI.exe in exclussion in yourAV exclussions list.

              3 months later

              Hi, saya update ufi dongle terbaru v1.2.0.455 special task hanya berfungsi di bagian Full Erase selebihnya tombolnya berwarna abu abu tidak bisa di tekan, sebelumnya ufi v1.2.0.419 bisa berfungsi semuanya. Mohon pencerhannya apa yan perlu di setting


              6 days later

              access violation at address 00721090 in module
              ufi.v1.2.0.429 read of address 00000004
              Help me .Thank

              2 months later

              i've got problem with errors violation 777C0075.. how could i fix it?

              madgoeslim i can't download the beta test.. it says only the owner can download it..

              6 months later
              7 days later

              korem Scan your pc with latest AV, and reinstall again your windows after that.