::: Error Unexpected Memory Leak please help me ::::
i have same problem and my box show Led Blinking only not detect with Pc too
so how to solved problem? Pls help me bro.
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Pls help me suppirter;my box have same problem and Led Blinking only.Box not detected with pc too.
Here Video
ChanRattanak Try to use different cable, then plug directly to usb port on pc not use usb hub. If problem remain, please return to your reseller.
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i have try ready still not work ,but my old box is work well.
my user borred cus him buy from me and him not yet used it 1 time.
thank u ,i will ask reseller send back again.
yes,my pc it work fine
i have old box UFI can use normal with all my pc but only new box that can't use.
Try windows 10, 32 bit and then Install UFi v1.2.0.419 Setup. This will be okey...
my pc all is 3 pcs
1 win 10 64bit
2 win 8 32bit
3 win 7 32bit
old box work all with pc but only new box can't be and not detect with pc so u can check my videos above.
ChanRattanak May be the firmware of the UFI Box corrupted..... If you have warranty return it to reseller...
ChanRattanak Try windows 10 32 bit and use UFi v1.2.0.419 Setup. Trust me, If you are still problem then your box are damaged.