Alexid7 URL not redirecting to error image log, repost log again.
Alexid7 Make "Nand Test" before writing dump files. If passed Nand Test but still error writing user area, means time to change the new ones.
Alexid7 factory reset erasethen update emmc firmware then try if error replace emmc
may Be EMMC Damage
1-write full dump via esay jtag or medusa pro 2-write h8g4 praloader 3-power on
HOPE767292 i have only ufi box
I have ufi box ,riff,z3x jtag,medusa pro and atf jtag. If ufi cannot write dump file than non of other box can do it ...i had tested many times.(i think your emmc is damage bro).
You should try to repair with factory firmware may be it will be success.