samsung G530H
[Micron] (JWA60)MT29TZZZ8D5BKFAH-125W/8GB (BGA221)
health status...can't update fw..ffu is nothing in box ufi..
this emmc not support in this box?
factory reset but rom android still appear .
erase emmc but same android info rom still appear...
emmc partition not done failed...
how the way to fix it?
it is 100% emmc damage...or still need update emmc fw...but i don't have ffu ...
first the device restart every 1-2 minutes..can enter menu but restart back again...try to wipe data via recovery but data still exist...cannot be erase..flash odin with same rom take a long time proses than usualy..done but same data cannot be erase..restart...
try direct ufi now device's dead...
mr madgoeslim mr eross please help me