I want to root Lenovo P1a42 with 6.0.1 . Bootloader is unlocked , but cannot flash a custom recovery or firmware with root . Every time when i tried i received this error 
first - firmware , second - twrp
Please help me to resolve the issue .
Here is device info log
platform: msm8916, cpu abi: arm64-v8a
manufacturer: LENOVO
hardware: qcom
board: msm8916, name: passion_row
brand: Lenovo, model: Lenovo P1a42
build id: MMB29M, version: 6.0.1 Marshmallow (P1a42_S288_160721_ROW)
build date: Thu Jul 21 16:36:27 CST 2016, security patch: 2016-06-01
build description: passion_row-user 6.0.1 MMB29M P1a42_S288_160721_ROW release-keys
soc: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc MSM8939
memory: 3 GB
crypto state: unencrypted
boot serial no: c004d859
serial no: c004d859
baseband version: MPSS.DPM.2.0.2.c1-00131
ril version: Qualcomm RIL 1.0
sim state: ABSENT,ABSENT
android id: d6e775fb4e6e4faa
client id: android-lenovo
bt addr: 54:27:58:74:23:01
wifi mac:
country: CN
locale: en-GB
battery level: 14%
superuser: no
Thank you in advance for your help