AkalPurakhKiFauj Hello,
Sorry for the inconvenient about such long waited update.
File for official firmware always updated in support server from time to time, now over 8TB of files are stored in support server.
About the dump files, most of devices can easy revive by its own stock firmware packages even without dump files. And for major platform, direct write stock firmware to eMMC is already one of the features that built in UFI software since long ago, and still usefull in current time.
As we all know, current devices is implement secure mode for flashing and repair imei procedure, without auth by vendor server itself not possible to bypass in usb protocol operation. But, if you can direct access emmc trough ISP or chip off methode, most job about userlockand frp can still do via last UFI Software.
Yes, last ufi update are so long ago, sorry for that.
But, in short time, we will launch new update to full fill most demand features urgently needed by most UFiXers, Auth and Remote Service for current secure devices.