How To Replace eMMC Meizu M3 Note, Upgrade Storage and Ram to 32GB & 3 GB using UFiBox
Case : Deadboot Meizu M3 Note
Failed eMCP : Sk Hynix H9TQ17ABJTACUR-ID90 (16/2) BGA 221
Replace eMCP : Samsung KMRX1000BM-B614 (32/3) BGA 221
Step by step repairing :
▫ Preparing new eMCP, write Dump (available at support)
▫ After writing dump, make eMMC Identify, now go to User Partition
▫ Prepare stock firmware Meizu M3 Note, replace user data in user partitions list from stock firmware
▫ Assembly the phone, press power on, and wait phone to start
▫ Congratulations, you just revive Meizu M3 Note
If you have different method, or tips and tricks please feel free to reply in the Comments below