How To Replace eMMC Meizu M3 Note, Upgrade Storage and Ram to 32GB & 3 GB using UFiBox

Case : Deadboot Meizu M3 Note
Failed eMCP : Sk Hynix H9TQ17ABJTACUR-ID90 (16/2) BGA 221
Replace eMCP : Samsung KMRX1000BM-B614 (32/3) BGA 221

Step by step repairing :
▫ Preparing new eMCP, write Dump (available at support)
▫ After writing dump, make eMMC Identify, now go to User Partition
▫ Prepare stock firmware Meizu M3 Note, replace user data in user partitions list from stock firmware
▫ Assembly the phone, press power on, and wait phone to start
▫ Congratulations, you just revive Meizu M3 Note

If you have different method, or tips and tricks please feel free to reply in the Comments below

7 months later

apakah ini tidak support untk emcp kmq82? ?kalau dilihat di fulldump tak ada patc kmq82 tp kalau di preloader file flash support kmq82 dan ktika saya pasang hp nyala tpi kena kode encrypt...

    9 months later

    how did you find out that these two emmc are compatible

    and upgradable?

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