madgoeslim Hi brother Please update Android Tool, even if you use other Tools methods
mhaghnegahdar Hello, You may check at this thread, we're working on it, hope it will release asap.
Good luck
I have downloaded this in ufi support section please give me password
RMX2030EX_11_A.16_200222_fccf3e8d password please
bagi file ffu kmdv6001db guru
How do I fix it if it's already blocked?
ArvinKhairiy hello, just wait until the next day, your limit will be restored
Brand List Not Show Please Help Master
sandeepchandpuri Delete .sxml file on your download path folder, including in emmc, android, and ufs folder, the do Reload in SUPPORT tab may fix the problem.
After trying as you said flashing interface its not showing brand name and Da list..
mohan094 me too
UFI Download Support Server did block ym box, i don't know why block my box. please solve this problem as soon as possible, or instruction me advance thanks
Мой gmail .com тоже заблркировали вчем проблема и почему???
Dear developers, why did they block my mailbox and now I can't download the firmware! What's the problem?
I don't understand your problem, please post with details log or screen shot for further assistance
madgoeslim UFI Download Support Server is Up and