I tried to activate license of UFS-Prog, but it doesn't work with follow error popup.

License activation has been processed but failed to verify, please try again.

How can I fix it or activate UFS-Prog license?

I tried Upgrade box firmware and it worked. But license activation doesn't work.

Environment : Windows 11 pro, Windows 10 pro
UFI UFS-PROG Firmware version : 1.37
ToolBox version :

    N0N4M3D_b Hi,
    Sorry for the inconveniences,
    Activation should run normally with the latest setup software and current box fw, which you already did.
    Please try to reactivate again, but using another PC/laptop.
    If you still have problems, please contact your reseller, and ask them for help with the activation.


      21 days later

      Привет всем пожалуйста помагите мне я не могу активировать ufs-prog?? License activation has been processed but failed to verify, please try again

        16 days later

        tuzkot Hello, sorry for the inconvenient.
        I'm not really sure with this activation issue still happen, but you may try to use another PC/laptop to reactivation again.
        If you still face error during activation, please contact your reseller for further assistance.


          a year later
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